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Ministry Partners

RED SEE Ministries seeks to be a multi-faceted church strategy ministry, promoting and producing materials and events to help equip the local church in the spread of the Gospel and the building of disciples.  It is our desire to go to any church, anywhere, and see the Kingdom of God expanded for His glory.  Because this ministry is completely faith-based, RED SEE Ministries depends upon ministry partners who provide faithful prayers and financial support.  For just $20 a month you can be a ministry partner and support the spread of the Gospel around the world.  Ministry Partners allow us to reach places and minister to congregations that could not be reached otherwise.  When someone reaches out to us, we want to be able to go!  Please review the list of resources offered by the ministry and consider being a ministry partner.  If this ministry can be a blessing or encouragement to you or anyone you know, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  Until then, may God richly bless you and may Christ be magnified in your life!

Ministry Partner Registration

Thank you for supporting RED SEE Ministries!

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