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Ministry Resources


  • Revival Preaching – This ministry believes in the need for bold and spirit-filled preaching that reflects a basis in, and call for, strong Bible doctrine. While many churches have dismissed Revival meetings as an Old Testament concept, it nevertheless remains a New Testament need.  It is my joy to stand in the pulpit and call God’s people to stand firm in the precepts He has laid out for us in His Word as we strive to reach this world no matter how hostile it becomes.  Personal righteousness and holiness must not become a bygone concept for God’s people.  Pastors can trust that their pulpit will be used to boldly and lovingly call God’s people to walk deeper with Him in order “to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God” while “being holy” because “God is holy.”

  • Evangelism Training and Outreach Events - Sin is this world’s greatest problem and it is the reason this world is hostile towards God and His people.  The strong and clear proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ must remain a priority for the church.  Conferences, training, books and audio materials produced by the ministry aid the church in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and laboring in the harvest for the glory of God in Christ Jesus as we seek to be “fishers of men.”  Ministry supporters allow these materials to be sold “at cost,” or provided freely to those who cannot afford them.

  • Discipleship Conferences and Retreats – This ministry promotes and believes that building disciples should be the goal of the church.  As men and women are born again into the family of God, they must be taught how to live and walk with Him.  The call to follow Jesus is so strong that He said “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.  For whosoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.”  Churches don’t build disciples, other disciples do.  This ministry provides resources and training to build disciples as they go to “Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth.”

  • Church Strategy Consultation and Planning – The majority of churches around the globe are “small” churches and most all of them are under the leadership of bi-vocational pastors.  The generous donations of our ministry partners allow us to consult with, minister to, and provide training for churches that do not have the financial resources to otherwise gain this support.  Anyone can reach out to this ministry for hep and support in carrying out the Great Commission.  We work with churches of all sizes to coordinate mission trips in which small churches help each other to implement a strategic outreach event.

  • Home Bible Study Training – It is obvious that the family unit, as described in Scripture, is under attack today.  We believe that the family unit is God’s first and primary means of Gospel advance.  As such, we provide resources to help churches implement a strong plan for discipleship that begins in the home.  We also believe that church planting is easier when it begins with the family, and we believe this is a model for church planting that will work anywhere in the world.  Ministry partners allow us to go into unreached areas and plant house churches and then link them in a discipleship network.

  • Transitional Pastor Supply and Church Revitalization – The time between pastors is a crucial time in the life of a congregation.  We provide resources, training, and direction to help churches prepare for their next spiritual leader.  Filling the pulpit, short or long term, is very limited and prayerfully considered.  Please contact us with any questions about this incredible opportunity.

  • Website and Social Media – The work of the ministry can be carefully followed through our website, blog, and social media accounts.  The church is living in a highly technological age and it is only going to increase with time.  We provide resources and encouragement for churches and individuals seeking to use technology for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions, to get more information on any of our resources, or to schedule an event.  And please…


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